Check out the nice videos and artwork at this site, recommended by a friend who writes:
"To those of you looking for a piece of exceptional contemporary Judaica as a gift or a personal piece, please see the website that follows. Leo Contini is the father of a friend of mine; his work is truly unique and beautiful. The images do not do these objects justice but will give you an idea. It is hard to realize from the images that what one sees on the cups is a reflection of the intricate, fine workmanship on the saucer.
Take a look and yes, for those of you who think you recognize the name, this is the Contini family of the Finzi-Continis...
Spanish Podcast
Remember my fear of podcasting? Well I got over it and found some good stuff to listen to. Among the best is this show for learning Spanish as a 2nd language. The level is just great for me. A teacher reads an essay then goes through it, explaining words and phrases, all in Spanish. You can also find the texts of the classes online. One 15-minute podcast is exactly the right length for my morning commute, if I'm lucky! Today's subject was SIESTA. And it's right here on blogger.
Barnes and Noble University
Free, online classes and reading clubs. I'm doing one called "Find a Job You Love". See http://university.barnesandnoble.com
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